While 70% of the world is covered in water, only a few percent of that is fresh water and can be used for drinking and human consumption. A lot of this water is used by business creating produce or products. So, in turn, the vast majority of water is used by businesses and for corporate means. And while business water rates increase, there are ways to reduce them. But which countries use the most water?

The highest consumer of water by country is China, with 362 trillion gallons used annually. While their 1.5 billion population may be one reason why their water usage would be higher, but the fact that China accounts for 28.7% of Global manufacturing output is probably a good reason. But these aren’t the only shocking stats related to water consumption in the business community. Here are some more startling stats that prove the world needs to tackle the water wastage issue.

7 Facts About Water Usage

  1. It takes 7600 litres of water to create a single pair of jeans. This water is used in the dyeing process.
  2. It can take up to 1241 litres of water to create a 2 litre bottle of soda water. Pretty grim reading.
  3. Every $1 invested in water and toilets returns an average of $4 in increased productivity.
  4. The majority of fresh water used across the world is used for agriculture (70%+).
  5. Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or lathering your hands while washing can save up to 25,000 litres of water per year.
  6. A third of clean, drinkable water used in the home is through flushing the toilet.
  7. Water consumption for businesses in office spaces averages 50 litres per employee.

What can I do to Reduce my Business Water Rates?

These stats are pretty shocking, but they’re hardly surprising when you consider that in the U.K, our attitude to water use is quite relaxed. People rarely think about their water use at home, never mind while at work. But what are some things you can do to help save water?

  1. If your water use feels excessive, investigate whether you can recycle it and repurpose it. If you can create a ‘closed loop’ water system, you only use the same water each time. Businesses such as farming, fashion, and sometimes even restauranteurs and chefs can reduce and implement a closed loop system.
  2. Repurposing rainwater for commercial use is a great way to save the water you use from reserves. There are plenty of businesses that offer advice and services that install rainwater recycling products for your business.
  3. Direct365 have plenty of devices that can help your business save water. Water costs money, so it is in your interest to try and save water. The average commercial water bill is between £700 – £1200, so if you can save even a few hundred pounds, then that can help your overheads massively.

Our water saving products include urinal flush control, water saving taps and urinal sleeves. Each of these products will save you water and help reduce your water bills.
