Safety is the single most important part of operating a construction site. While the project itself is the reason you’re there, without the correct safety precautions in place you’ll be lucky to last very long at all. It should be one of your primary concerns to keep your workers and the general public as safe […]
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Amidst the COVID-19 panic, when workplaces were told to work from home, many companies up and ran from their premises. So, now that it’s time to go back, have you ensured that the workplace is suitable to return to? Issues like cleanliness, distancing and sufficient supplies and services all need to be addressed before you […]
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First Aid brings to mind physical injuries, but how can workplaces act to help health issues when they’re not so visibly clear? The month of November sees a lot of mental health focus in the UK, encouraging businesses to look deeper into wellbeing and understand factors like stress, bullying and discrimination in the workplace. National […]
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Sleep, proper rest and a focused mind are often heralded time and time again as the best factors for a successful and happy worker. For small business owners, this is easier said than done. You wear a lot of hats, juggling multiple responsibilities from day-to-day. Switching off isn’t an option. However, this non-stop workflow building […]
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When it comes down to workplace wellbeing, it’s not the size of your business that matters, but the approach you take to managing your employee’s wellbeing. When things go wrong in a small company, the problems are magnified, with one-third of SME employees experiencing a mental health problem during their working life. Being a good […]
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Personality clashes happen all the time, especially in the workplace. Perhaps it’s the person who brings in microwaved fish, go-getters, procrastinators or the too-much-information weekday weekenders. These clashes are unavoidable in the workplace. As a manager, you have the responsibility to keep the glue held together and navigate around this minefield in a human and […]
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Small businesses around the nation utterly nail down the one thing big businesses struggle with the most, that’s flexibility. For instance, take homeworking. Large corporations are tied down by red tape with their reluctance in advocating homeworking. The knee-jerk reaction is that lack of a physical presence encourages lower levels of productivity. That is the […]
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You’re having a bad day, and browsing inspirational photo messages just won’t cut it? You’re not alone on that front. Apparently, people who post “inspirational” quotes on FaceBook are more easily duped in posting and sharing fake news articles as well. On a more serious note, work-related stress is a serious issue among the UK […]
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How to NOT conduct an office meeting The meeting goes ahead even with staff missing. A slow shuffle to the boardroom, the group gathers together to discuss the weekly period review. The muddy powerpoint template laid upon a backwash of Times New Roman font and monotone delivery drains the room of all energy. Yawns, […]
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Seasonal Affective Disorder, often summarised as SAD is a depressive illness caused by shortened daylight hours and a lack of sunlight. Dark and gloomy during the commute into work. Dark and gloomy for the closing hours and commute home. The winter months are a testing time in the workplace. Employee mental health, wellbeing and productivity […]
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