About Direct365 & Our Risk Mitigation Plan

The risks associated with the COVID-19 viral infection are significant and have led to changes in how we operate and deliver our services.

At Direct365, we’ve continued to deliver most of our services during the pandemic response and have reacted quickly to all changes in Government guidance and legislation.

Direct365 COVID priorities – we’ve focused on three priorities since the COVID-19 threat emerged:

  • Protection of our staff and Direct365
  • Support our customers to recover
  • Help stop the spread of the disease

A phs COVID-19 task force headed by the Group CEO meets daily to review and act on the latest government advice, respond to issues and plan and implement COVID related activity.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – At Direct365, we provide staff with relevant PPE in line with government guidance to protect our workers, customers and the public. We hold reserve stocks of PPE for our employees to last three months

Risk Assessments – In addition to normal risk assessment processes, we’ve implemented specific risk assessments for COVID-19. These have been conducted at all 65 locations in the UK and Ireland, with the results  published at each site and reviewed by our professional Health and Safety Team. We ensure ongoing compliance with internal audits and weekly checklists.

The Risk Assessment and associated documentation is based on scientific guidance, Government guidance and UK Health and Safety Executive requirements. All of our normal operating procedures to achieve high levels of safety continue, and the COVID-19 response applies to all our movements
and operations.

At Direct365, we’re confident that we’ve provided a safe workplace thanks to implementing our mitigation plan in all locations.

Key Risks Assessed

The risk of surface contact contraction and spread

The risk of airborne contraction of the disease

The risk of virus carriers developing symptoms in the workplace 

Business/site specific risks identified locally

Actions Taken to Mitigate Risks at Direct365

We’ve designed a detailed risk assessment process; carried out risk assessments at all sites; reviewed the quantity and quality of standards; and arranged ongoing audits and reviews. Copies of Site Risk Assessments are published at all sites.

In addition, we have:

  • Implemented enhanced cleaning, hygiene and handwashing requirements
  • Instructed employees who are able to work from home that they should continue to do so
  • Taken steps to maintain social distancing including, wherever possible, the 2 metre rule
  • Where staff cannot work more than two metres apart, done everything practical to reduce transmission

COVID-19 UPDATE: At Direct365, it’s business as usual! Our dedicated team are working hard from home so you can #StaySafe & get all the essential products & services we supply.
