Here we are at the final part of our Fire Safety Month.

In case you’ve missed any, take some to to catch up on how to keep your garages safe, what to do and how to prevent fires in offices and what you need to know about fire safety as a landlord.  – Click Here

Fires and accidents can cause lighting to fail. When this happens, emergency lighting is there to assist. In the case of an outage, the emergency lighting would highlight the direction of a fire exit. This safety device is like your fire doors or extinguishers. Avoid the police getting involved, have it maintained.

Businesses need to have an understanding of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Like with every fire safety measure, there are penalties for neglecting them.

Where Is Emergency Lighting Required?

Emergency lighting like most measures isn’t appreciated until it’s needed. If the lights went out, emergency lighting would still stay on as it’s battery operated. It would be essential in a music or entertainment venue, where inebriated goers panic could set in. Disregarding this safety measure can accumulate heavy fines. One nightclub owner was fined £173,000 for inadequate lighting, among other offences.

fire safety emergency lighting

Give me a sign

Working lights aren’t the only thing you need to look out for. Font and size of emergency signs are also in the regulations stipulate signs need to be visible in times of stress and panic. This escape lighting should be easily identifiable so occupants can make a safe escape. Good business management includes taking responsibility for fire safety, knowing the law and acting on it.

Who Tests Emergency Lighting

Under the British Standards code 5266, a qualified fire safety technician needs to carry out the testing and certification of your emergency lighting.  The recommendation is that you have the lighting tested annually. Testing of the lights can take 1-3 hours depending on the fire risk assessment of your building. They must test both the device and the success of your evacuation procedure before you’re certified. Get in touch with us for your emergency lighting test; we’re trusted and experienced with over 10,000 current contracts.

While we test for your emergency lighting we can also test and service your fire alarms, extinguishers and fire doors.
