Regardless of how risk averse we are in work, accidents can still happen. That’s why there is a responsibility at the door of all businesses that states they must protect their employees. But what do you need to do to satisfy rules and legislation? It may feel like a minefield, but we’ve set out a straightforward blog to advise on which directions to go as a business owner. While you may know first aid at work is a must, you may not know where to start. Here’s our advice:

What Employers Need to do

If you are a smaller workplace with a low risk of injury and illness, you can get away with having just a first aid kit. Whether you want someone trained in first aid is your prerogative, but it isn’t required. These place, will be small offices with little to know equipment in.

However, most businesses will require a trained first aid person. First aid at work is important, and finding the right person to deliver it is just as key.

The general rule of advice is one first aider for every 50 employees. Again, you may decide that this isn’t enough. Many businesses decide that training a number of staff helps when other first aiders are off on annual leave. Having more training is a safer option and will offer a greater sense of security and safety to your workforce.

As well as training, you need to ensure you have a well-stocked first aid kit, you offer all employees access to the kit and knowledge of your first aid procedures and to appoint a member of staff to take charge of all first aid arrangements.

Before you can do all of this, though, you need to conduct a needs assessment. This is similar to a risk assessment, but covers your business in a first aid perspective.

Completing a Needs Assessment for First Aid at Work

A risk assessment should always be completed before deciding upon whether your business needs a first aider, and how much support there needs to be in your business. These aren’t complicated to do but should be conducted thoroughly to ensure you are mitigating any first aid risk associated with your building.

This is what the Health and Safety Executive website (HSE):

In assessing your first-aid needs, you should consider:

  • the nature of the work you do
  • workplace hazards and risks (including specific hazards requiring special arrangements)
  • the nature and size of your workforce
  • the work patterns of your staff
  • holiday and other absences of those who will be first-aiders and appointed persons
  • your organisation’s history of accidents

Equipment and training

Depending on the size of your business, you need to have a first aider within your company. This is usually an employee. They need to be trained by an accredited provider, one that is reputable and thorough. Having an employee who can administer first aid at work is a huge must. For safety and legality.

As well as this, you should provide your staff with sufficient first aid kits. The minimum in this is one per workplace, although you may decide that you need more depending on the size of the workplace, and how many levels/floors the workplace is on. This is to be monitored by the appointment first aid assessor regularly and replenished as and when needed.

These are the bare minimum advised for first aid in a business. But there are many more elements to keeping staff and visitors safe that are not as straight forward. Direct365 offer high-quality compliance services that ensure your business is safe from the risks posed to people. For more information, fill out the form below.

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