Sleep, proper rest and a focused mind are often heralded time and time again as the best factors for a successful and happy worker. For small business owners, this is easier said than done. You wear a lot of hats, juggling multiple responsibilities from day-to-day.  Switching off isn’t an option. 

However, this non-stop workflow building up your business can result in fatigue. And fatigue has led to countless downfalls, disasters and ruin.

Dangers of fatigue

chernobyl disaster

Fatigue has led to severe humanity disasters like that of Chernobyl, where a lack of experience coupled with 12-hour shifts led to the unfortunate explosion. Fatigue results in slower reactions, lapses in memory and an overall lack of concentration. This affects all industries and workers, whether it’s the factory line or a complicated managerial position.

For any business, if your employees aren’t on the ball, then you should be worried. Now, your business may not create a humanitarian disaster, but slip-ups cause everything from accidents to data breaches. Here’s what you can do if you’ve noticed an employee’s performance start slipping.

Managing Workplace Fatigue

workplace fatigue

Human performance tends to deteriorate when people have been working for more than 12 hours. However, fatigue can happen at any point, depending on factors like adequacy of rest breaks and the nature of work. The good news is that everything can be managed and monitored to avoid this from happening.

Here are a few recommendations from the Health and Safety Executive:

  • Develop a policy that sets limits on working hours, overtime and shift swapping to guard workers against fatigue.
  • Encourage staff to take breaks more often.
  • Avoid work feeling monotonous and repetitive. Change the staff rotation around or encourage workers to pick a new work project.
  • Take commute times into consideration, whether shift patterns may need restructuring.

Even a healthy diet can help stave off the consequences of fatigue. A research study found those who are more sleep-deprived will tend to go for unhealthier food choices. Going for healthier food options and cutting down on saturated fats help an exhausted person work better. You could help advocate a healthier change by placing a fruit bowl in the office. 

We can help reduce your workload, be that your general waste or washroom hygiene.

Managing Your Fatigue

direct365 business services

At Direct365, we understand how difficult it is to run a small business. Not only are you in charge of the day-to-day duties and trying to keep the ship afloat. You also need to make sure your staff are taken care of to ensure they are working to their best potential.

Little things like making sure the bins are taken out and collected regularly to keeping check of the washroom situation. Which is easier said than done!

Then to the bits you may not even think about like your portable appliances. Are the wires frayed; lights working correctly?

It can be a lot to take on and take in, which is why we help small businesses nationwide; taking one less worry out of the day. We help to reduce your worries and ensure compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. 

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