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Direct365 know a lot about how to run a successful small business, but we also know a lot about the ins and outs of dealing with regulations. Safety and waste are our bread and butter. When it comes to safety, one type of hazardous material that almost every organisation will have somewhere is some form […]
In the ever-changing world of work, businesses need to adapt or die. And we don’t just mean multi-national business. Small businesses, too, need to evolve with the times. What that means for 2024 is further embracing the digital age, and in this case, artificial intelligence (AI). Progress in AI has seemingly accelerated over the last […]
Short on Time? Here’s a Rundown of the PHS Airstream Whisper The PHS Airstream Whisper is a high quality, quiet, energy efficient dryer, making it ideal for places like nurseries or primary schools. From the PHS brand, the Whisper is a reliable unit that is competitive with other similar models in both price, noise volume […]
The Premier League season is just around the corner, with fans up and down the country champing at the bit to return to stadiums. But which grounds offer the best experience for supporters? That’s what we’re about to find out. We’ve scored clubs on fan-favourite topics, like food and drink and disabled access. Health and […]
Plastic free July is here. You don’t have to be an environmentalist to understand that the tide is turning on single use plastics. In 2015, the UK government banned single use plastic bags. Since that time, there have been 9 billion less plastic bags in circulation, creating a meaningful change on a product that lasts […]
We understand that it can be hard to quite understand which hand dryer to buy for your business, and what the different features mean in the real world. Most businesses we work with don’t have much of a clue what they need, and that’s why they turn to us. But with this in mind, we […]
Climate change has become on of the top concerns of the general public in the last decade. According to Yougov, 20% of people think the climate emergency that we face is the most important societal concern. Compare that with back in 2011, when this figure was as low as 7%, and it’s easy to understand […]
Festivals are a staple of the Great British summer. No matter what the weather, as soon as June comes, festival grounds around the country are prepped to take in thousands of eager music loves for a long weekend of tunes, food trucks and… dodgy toilets. For every endless summer’s day, there’s also an endless queue […]
If you’re a small business, it’s likely you started working on the concept because it was a dream for you to be able to work doing what you liked. And there’s a good chance that you didn’t start up your business to get bogged down in regulations. Dealing with regulatory laws is never fun, but […]
Each year the HSE (Health and Safety executive) publish their findings on workplace injuries for the previous year. This workplace safety report tells the most common causes of injury across workplaces in the UK. The 2023 edition is out now, and makes for interesting reading for companies up and down the country. Taking a look […]