So, what do people think of pigeons?

In an old independent article from the 90’s, feelings were made pretty clear.

pigeons bird control

Then there are people with a more “hands-on approach”.Unfortunately, pigeons will always be a pest, it’s not a species that can be so easily culled. The UK isn’t going to run a Four Pests campaign anytime soon, for one thing, it didn’t end well for China. As a consequence of killing 2 billion birds, insects and vermin ran rife, spreading disease and depleting the countries food resources.


pigeon bird control


Widespread knowledge of ecology and habitual balance between animals is now common among the populace. One brief viewing of planet earth makes you remember hey, it’s pretty good we have all these beautiful creatures around.


But not pigeons. Often billed the rats of the sky. No-one really likes them but, they do come under a protected species in the Wildlife & Countryside Act. You can’t actively hunt pigeons without a specific license; even then, it must be under adequate grounds and with sound reasoning.


So, pigeons are reducing your building to a sodden stained mess, eating away at the roofs, patios and cars spraying acidic droppings wherever they so do please. What to do?


Pigeon Preventative Tools


At Direct365 we have at hand, an expert bird control service to stop these feral pests pulling the Hitchlock twist of destroying everything around you.

Let’s face it, no-one. Likes. Pigeons.


Here are some of the following ways we can deal with your pesky pigeons.


  • Post and Wire – A stainless steel post, wire and spring system is fitted to ledges to prevent birds from landing and settling. This is one of our most popular deterrents due to its discreet efficiency.
  • Spikes – Now we aren’t saying, hey you have some trees, let’s put spikes on your trees. No, instead of “intelligent” council decisions we will, in fact, place them on secure rooftops or in areas (not trees) that are more habitual for pigeons to group at.
  • Optical Gel Repellent – An innovative new method of bird repellent. Small dishes are glued, magnetised, or hung around the premises. The gel emits ultraviolet light which looks like fire to the birds, causing them to steer well clear of it.
  • Harris Hawks – We use these when the pigeons have taken up residence in large or awkward shaped buildings, where the architect wanted to “be different”. Think football stadiums or the shard. Hawks are natural predators of pigeons; just one is enough to scare the pests off for good. They will give pigeons the proverbial swirly and boot them away from your building for good measure.


Like what you hear?

Check out our Bird Control service here.

For fast and effective control to deal with those pests.

Click the pigeon below to get a free quote today.


bird control service
