Accidental needle stick injuries are a real hazard to healthcare professionals. It’s estimated between 11-14 injuries happen per 100 hospital beds per year. Without taking into account other industries like tattooists, beauticians and veterinarians, the potential number of injuries could be much higher.  


There is a chance that being stuck with a used needle can pass on diseases such as hepatitis C and HIV. If left unchecked, these are potentially fatal. To prevent the exposure and unnecessary risk to those around you. Sharps removal bins will do just the trick.


syringes removal

Besides the obvious health risks and duty as an employer to avoid said health risks. There is additional legislation backing the need to have them removed and disposed of securely.


These are:

The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales)Regulations 2005 –  Places importance on dealing with waste with hazardous properties that may make it harmful to both people and the environment.

The Environment Protection Act 1990 – This places a duty of care on anyone who produces, collects and disposes of clinical waste.

While it’s a good thing to take this seriously, you need to be aware there’s more than just one type of sharps bin.


Sharp bins colour code


Orange Lids

If you’ve used a needle to take blood, these are the bins you’ll need. Orange sharps bins can also be used for sharp instruments with no contaminant on them. Needles, scalpels if that’s what you’re dealing with then it goes in here.

Yellow Lids

Now, this is where you put the contaminated needles. Sharps Bins with a Yellow Lid signify waste that contains medical residue such as medically contaminated needles and syringes.

Purple Lids

For the more complicated medical and pharmaceutical industries. Sharps Bins with a Purple Lid are for cytotoxic waste. Medicines used to treat cancer, immunosuppressants and anti-virals.


Who can take care of this securely and responsibly?


sharps removal


Direct365 Sharps Removal Service

Have you been searching high and low for someone to get rid of your sharps?

No matter the size of your business we’ll offer the best guidance to help you out. When you take us up for a service, it’s done flexibly, whether that’s a regularly scheduled service or just a one-off.

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We’re a start-up friendly company. While we take care of your sharps for you, how about sprucing up your washroom at the same time? At competitive rates, we’ll work behind the scenes while you do what you’re best at.

Have a look-see at our washroom service.

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