For any business that welcomes customers for a long period of time, washrooms are a must. Customer satisfaction would go through the floor if restaurants, entertainment or leisure venues didn’t provide washroom facilities for customers. And while these facilities are much needed, baby changing facilities are as much of a requirement as anything else you provide for customers. Baby changers don’t win customers, but they may lose them.

Baby changing areas are not legally required for businesses. While this is the case, it is hard to imagine parents not being a) actively annoyed at the lack of changing facilities or b) simply turning away upon finding this information out.

All About Baby Changers

There is no real reason for you not to have sufficient baby changing facilities. They are important features of your business. But what should your baby changing area look like? Here are a few things to think about:

Ensure the Space is Big Enough for Supplies

Baby changing areas are ideal for parents because on average, babies need changing 10 times or maybe even more. But when thinking about your area, remember that parents also need room to store their supplies, bags and even pram. There are range of styles of baby changer that accommodate smaller spaces, but there still needs to be room for the baggage that comes with changing a baby.

Ensure Replacement Parts are on Site

More frustrating than not having the facilities is having broken facilities or those with missing parts. The easily avoid this, ensure that everything you need is already on site. The main moving part for baby changers is their straps. As they are in action every time someone opens and closes the changer, there’s chance that the straps could wear down. Being able to action a complaint by replacing them in that moment will impress a customer and keep your facilities in top condition.

Think About Waste

For obvious reasons, changing babies comes with a lot of waste. That means you need a safe and secure way to store this rubbish. As it is human waste, you need to ensure the storage is secure and disposed of with a specialist business. Direct365 are specialists in disposing of all types of waste, including medical and hazardous – which is what baby change waste is. The law states you must have this disposed of away from your normal waste by a certified carrier.

Enough Space for Parents to Change Their Children Comfortably

This is a similar factor to an earlier point, but the last thing someone wants is to be changing their child in a small, cramped space. It isn’t safe and it isn’t comfortable. While baby changing rooms are never going to be huge, there needs to be enough space for comfort for both parent and child. There are a number of ways you can do this, namely by choosing the right style of changer for your washroom (vertical, horizontal or bench) and adapting the storage space to keep the changing bench clear.

Don’t Just Offer the Bare Minimum

Customers and visitors often appreciate businesses going that extra mile. If you can, why not go above and beyond and provide child-suitable extras like wet wipes, soap, and other amenities. Apart from being helpful, some families may appreciate the extra care and cost savings from complimentary items.

There are many reasons for having a good quality baby changing area for parents and children. That is where Direct365 can help. Our range of baby changers come from reliable, high-quality brand such as e-changer, Dolphin, and more.

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