Washroom Hygiene Services & Solutions | Direct365 Skip to content
Nationwide Coverage

Nationwide Coverage

Our fantastic help is available no matter where you are in the UK

Professional service

Professional service

We’re flexible, competitive & reliable, with thousands of happy clients!

Free installation included

Free installation included

Our experts install hand dryers, dispensers, vending machines and more

100+ suppliers nationwide

100+ suppliers nationwide

We compare suppliers to get you the best deal, wherever you’re based

Fill in your details for a quote

Washroom Hygiene Quote Form

What kind of washroom services do you require?

Adequate Washroom Services

Your business must provide adequate washroom services that include clean water, soap and a method to dry hands. Choose one of Direct365’s washroom services to ensure your facilities are at a high standard.

What size sharp bin do you need

What is your postcode?

96% of customers look for negative reviews before shopping

96% of customers look for negative reviews before shopping. Don’t let your washroom give your small business a bad reputation that you can’t recover from.

Fill in your personal details

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Nationwide Coverage

Nationwide Coverage

Our fantastic help is available no matter where you are in the UK

Professional service

Professional service

We’re flexible, competitive & reliable, with thousands of happy clients!

Free installation included

Free installation included

Our experts install hand dryers, dispensers, vending machines and more

100+ suppliers nationwide

100+ suppliers nationwide

We compare suppliers to get you the best deal, wherever you’re based

What to expect

  • Fill in quote form

    Fill in
    quote form

  • Spacer
  • Receive quotation


  • Spacer
  • Arrange booking


  • Spacer
  • Technician visits


  • Spacer
  • Receive documentation


Why choose Direct365 for washroom services?

Choosing Direct365 for your washroom services means following in the steps of thousands of other happy customers, while receiving an equally great service. Because being the small business experts, Direct365 knows exactly what services your business needs to stay compliant within current regulations.

As well as our business know-how, we also offer great value for money. Our washroom services are competitive in the market, and we can often reduce your costs on current services by up to 30%. Why deal with numerous providers at a higher cost when you can get all of your services under one roof for a reduced rate? Call Direct365 now and discover how much you could save on washroom hygiene services.

Looking to switch?

Our washroom hygiene services

Direct365 cover a wide range of washroom services that small businesses like yours need to comply with regulations. Our washroom hygiene services are delivered nationwide, and we ensure you get the best price by comparing providers and lock in a great cost. You can see the range of washroom hygiene services we offer below.

  • Sanitary disposal 
  • Washroom vending machines
  • Nappy waste disposal 
  • Male incontinence waste disposal 
  • Medical room waste disposal 
  • Water saving devices and servicing 
  • Air fresheners 
  • Hand sanitising 
  • Soap dispensers
  • Water management
  • Sharps disposal

Frequently Asked Questions

What are commercial washroom services?

Commercial washroom services are services that businesses provide in their washrooms. Often, companies are legally obliged to offer these services. Examples of these services are hand sanitiser stock, air fresheners, sanitary bins and male incontinence bins.

What sectors do we offer washroom hygiene services for?

We offer washroom services for all sectors. If your business has a washroom, then we can service it with any number of our currently offered washroom hygiene services.

Does the sanitary disposal service include bins?

Yes, our sanitary disposal service includes both the bin and the collection and disposal of the sanitary waste.

Where in the UK does Direct365 offer washroom hygiene services?

Direct365 offer washroom hygiene services nationwide. We work with a range of suppliers that cover every region of the UK. If you want further details, call our knowledgeable and friendly team today.

How often will my washrooms be serviced?

We offer a range of services, of which can be completed in different levels of frequency. Our minimum service period is monthly, but it all depends on the footfall of your washroom. To get a greater level of accuracy, call our team on 0800 612 9688.

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