Not long before breaking up for the summer holidays, one local primary school near our Skelmersdale offices received the results of a recent OFSTED Monitoring visit. Within the report, it was brought to the attention of St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School in Warrington that they needed to address a matter taking place outside of school regarding parents and carers parking on yellow zigzag lines that run parallel to the front of the school.

Having been advised to do their best to prevent this from happening, Headteacher Mrs Towey decided to get a little creative with the solution, whilst ensuring to meet the deadline set by OFSTED.

Mrs Towey contacted Direct365, to see if we could lend a helping hand. Being strong believers in helpfulness and forward thinking, we jumped at the chance to get involved and act as the extra member of their team.

Mrs Towey and the staff at St. Augustine’s challenged their pupils in every year group from reception all the way up to year 6 to get a little creative. After a lesson on road safety, the children were tasked with designing a poster to be displayed on the front fence of the school to enforce the message to parents and carers that they should not be parking directly in front of the school.

In mid-June, we sent a few members of our team down to the school to pick a winner from each year group:






After picking 7 individual winners (Reception, and years 1 through to 6) we tasked ourselves with amalgamating a little bit from every winner’s design into one poster that could be hung up at the front of the school. In just a few weeks we’d designed, printed and posted the sign to the school, for the pupils and staff to see.

With St. Augustine’s reopening its door to students after the summer break, we paid a visit once again to help put the signup and see the final product in place:



