Changes are afoot for the NHS in a bid to make savings and create a more eco-friendly and sustainable health service, as the UK government announce today that a project entitled Design for Life Roadmap will start with the aim to reduce single-use items in the NHS clinical waste stream. The new Labour government have […]
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Direct365 know a lot about how to run a successful small business, but we also know a lot about the ins and outs of dealing with regulations. Safety and waste are our bread and butter. When it comes to safety, one type of hazardous material that almost every organisation will have somewhere is some form […]
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Here at Direct365, we know about waste. A lot of the businesses that take waste collection services from us start out by asking us for advice. With over a decade of experience helping small businesses, we know the mistakes that businesses make over disposal of their waste. And it’s this reason we’ve brought this blog […]
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The recycling rate in the U.K. is, all being well, due to hit 50% during the years 2022/23. And while there’s still a long way to go to get to a figure closer to 100%, this improvement is well timed. With more emphasis on doing their bit, domestic and commercial properties will need to continue […]
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You might have seen on the news recently that there is a lot of talk of raw sewage being dumped in U.K rivers and seas. It’s a complex story that many people don’t quite understand. So we’re here to give you the low down on exactly what is going on. Where has this Sewage Story […]
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For any business that welcomes customers for a long period of time, washrooms are a must. Customer satisfaction would go through the floor if restaurants, entertainment or leisure venues didn’t provide washroom facilities for customers. And while these facilities are much needed, baby changing facilities are as much of a requirement as anything else you […]
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In the world of whiffs, there’s bad…and then there’s bad for your health. For some UK residents, the stench barometer might start at dog foul on pavements— a minor albeit unwelcoming inconvenience. But at the other end of the spectrum, cleaning chemicals, sewage plants, and commercial waste present more serious risks along with their naturally […]
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At Direct365 we deal with medical clinics for many different types of waste. Our waste management team is the best out there, and while we are used to dealing with your medical waste, you might not be aware that there could be good reason to ensure that you have reliable medical confidential waste disposal. That’s […]
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What are Lateral Flow Test Kits? “Lateral flow” or “rapid” test kits are a popular way for carrying out quick on-site tests that indicate whether COVID-19 antigens are present. You can get a result within 15 minutes without having to send the kit off to a lab. These kits are ideal for mass testing of […]
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Waste disposal regulations can seem complicated enough without the added worry of COVID-19. Unfortunately, if your business does encounter symptoms of the virus, then you need to know how and where to dispose of your waste. That’s where Direct365’s easy guide comes in. Read on. How Should You Treat Waste That Has Encountered Someone with […]
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