For any regular business owner, the threat of asbestos often skips your mind. After all, any building made after the year 2000 should be free of asbestos. However, they could still very well be objects containing the material you may not know about. 

In this article, we discuss the dangers and implications of inhaling asbestos and what business owners can do to better their business.

The dangers of asbestos

Did you know the UK has the highest incidence of mesothelioma; a form of lung cancer caused by inhaling asbestos. The material was regularly used between 1940 and 1970 to construct schools, hospitals, public buildings etc. Because of its availability and fire-retardant properties, countless people were exposed to harmful fibres.

Many buildings have asbestos-based components, including pipe insulation, fireproofing panels and ceiling tiles. If you inhale asbestos fibres, it can’t be dissolved or evaporated. Instead, it sticks to the linings of the lung. Health-related problems like mesothelioma and asbestosis can take decades to develop in the body. It only takes months for cancer to spread in the human body.

The Health and Safety Executive estimate the number of asbestos-related fatalities is around 5,000 deaths per year.

What can be done about asbestos?

asbestos testing sample
asbestos testing sample

Left alone asbestos isn’t dangerous. However, once disturbed asbestos fibres can enter the environment and prove lethal. Asbestos remains in millions of schools, business premises and older buildings today. 

The control of asbestos regulations 2012  states the owner or person who has the responsibility of maintenance and repair of the premises need to monitor asbestos. This is by finding out whether the premises contain asbestos and checking the condition. You then need to assess the risk and make a plan for your records and any future building contractors.

You may be aware of what an asbestos ceiling tile looks like, however managing the risk and checking every area of your premise may be confusing. In your busy day-day to life running a business, you don’t have the time to find out what item may contain asbestos. Put your trust in an accredited professional to do the job for you.

Asbestos re-inspection survey


The time between inspections will depend on the type of material, where it is and its condition, but it should be at least every six to 12 months. Years come and go, and the status of older buildings will slowly degrade. It’s essential to keep a check for the safety and wellbeing of your staff and customers.

At Direct365, we look to ensure you’re getting the best service at the most affordable price. We’ll aim to beat your re-inspection audit cost, so get in touch if your due a re-inspection and see how much you could save.

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