Goldfish vs. Man: Who has the largest attention span?

You may have heard it or read it somewhere that the average attention span for a human is less than that of a goldfish. The facts behind this aren’t facts at all but conceived out of speculation. When something gets told over and over again, it becomes common knowledge even if it isn’t true. In this case, it’s a half-truth.

Attention is more than important than ever, with companies trying to keep customers coming back by using engaging content. Well, at the very least when you search “content marketing” it’s among the never-ending list of points in a never-ending list of articles.


The importance of good content: Breaking through the wall of text

Overcoming the wall of text

We could sum this up for you by saying: Write quality content but keep it concise. However, there is more to it than that. You know your business, but if you went to sit down and write about it then how do you know it’s interesting enough to keep people’s attention?

Before putting pen to paper, or finger to keyboard use the following websites to assess what content you want to write about.


Valuable tools for Research, Writing and refining content

staring at a wall
You know how the phrase goes “Use the right tool for the job”?
The same applies to whatever you write. Here is the best of the best:
  • Answer the public Answer the public is a keyword planner and research tool. When entering a search term, answer the public will generate a visual graph for you showing queries, and lists relevant to that term on Google.
  • Google TrendsGoogle Trends can show you what search terms are trending at any given time. Though if you dig deeper, it can be used to keep track of any competitors and compare which search terms are more successful when creating content.
  • Keyword planner This is the perfect accompaniment to Google Trends. Keyword Planner helps find words that are relevant to your product, service and target customers.
  • News nowGives you access to sources all around the world with news sources appearing down to the last five minutes.
  • Parliament PetitionsThe British public love to complain so much it’s almost an entire industry itself. With Parliament petitions, you can gauge the current climate and see what has people up in arms about.
  • Public Gov DeliveryCoincidentally, if you want to know what’s happening in every aspect of the UK from health and safety to social care then sign up here for government alerts.
  • Grammarly Grammarly is a must for proofreading your work. The free account gives you more than you could need with help on your spelling and grammar.
  • Hemmingway Hemingway is useful in cutting down sentence clutter, making your writing clearer and less wordy.


Now you have the tools, but do you have a working website?

Give us a call today to find out more
