Did you know mosquitoes kill more people in one day than sharks killed over the last 100 years?


The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) says the recent spate of wet weather, coupled with a rise in the temperatures provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes to flourish. Mosquitoes need out blood proteins so they can make their eggs, so only the females bite.


So, why worry about mosquitos?


Mosquito & you

uk mosquitoes

With the UK home to 30 native mosquito species. The most common species is the “culex” mosquitoes who carry the West Nile virus.  In about 75% of infections, people have few or no symptoms. Although some people will develop a fever, headache, vomiting, or a rash. As you can see, the likelihood of being bitten by a mosquito isn’t life-threatening, but a minor inconvenience.

While we don’t have the more dangerous species in our country, irritating itchy bumps are a real nuisance in the workplace. There are some things we are aware of when it comes to the frequency of bites. Your exercise, body temperature type O blood and even genetics play a factor in mosquito attractiveness.

The good news is the typical life cycle of this species is typically a month, although a female can breed 5000 eggs before she dies. What do you do if you feel there is a mosquito problem in your workplace?


Mosquito Pest Control


With the way the climate has grown wilder over the coming years, it’s becoming more likely these bloodsuckers will come calling to a hot warm-blooded body, i.e: every one that comes into your establishment.

The solution?

The fully trained and vetted experts that we work with dealing in controlling flies in commercial and business environments. We won’t slap a flycatcher onto a bloodsucker that tracks carbon dioxide or deliver ineffective zappers towards a species un-attracted to ultraviolet lights.

They will examine your premises and find the source of the problem. If you have a fresh breeding ground filled to the brim with a mosquito mess, we will use state of the art insecticide treatments to turn that breeding ground into a burial mound.

For expert advice and an efficient plan for future prevention. View our insect control service below.


insect pest control service

