The world of social media is murky and daunting. Yet as the new dominant form of media from the last decade there are some real positives to be had by forming a strong social media presence. Social media for small businesses can be key to getting ahead in your market.

Online marketing, especially newer platforms that incorporate video and music into their posts do feel more difficult to product. But being able to find your niche and create interesting posts can be beneficial. It could help attract customers to your brand, and eventually improve sales. But why should you do this? Here are a few impressive stats on how important social media can be to your business.

78% of consumers “will buy from companies” after positive social media interaction

This is all part of the reason that social media is a tool for growth for businesses. While the reach of platforms does vary, holding meaningful interactions with your handles is important. Not only will that help you sell, but it will also encourage loyalty. So, spending time creating a strategy could be the most sustainable piece of marketing for your business.

96% of Britain has Internet Coverage

The internet has transformed the way consumers shop and marketers market. And it will continue to do so as use evolves. Advertisements will become even more tailored to each personal experience. It’s best to ensure your online marketing game is strong now. Then when new platforms come along, it will help you get a head start on those are get closer to your target audience.

There were over 45 million UK Social Media Users in 2020

Granted, these figures are out of date by a couple of years, but these numbers reflect a popularity higher than T.V in the UK (where viewer access was a 14+ million). This is a huge range of customers. And while it’s difficult to sift through to find the right people for your product, this is an undeniable chance to find customers. You can grow your brand and positively enforce why you are the right business to service the needs of the market.

80% of Marketers say Funny Content is the Most Effective on Social Media

Depending on your brand or business, this could be much more difficult to navigate. Humour is very specific to certain types of businesses, and unless this is your brand from the off, it will probably not work. However, for a contemporary brand that appeals to either younger audiences or that has built up a reputation of being light-hearted will be able to get away with it.

These are just a few stats that should impress upon you the importance of having a social media presence in 2022. Whether you are a small business operating locally or on a more national scale, there are gains to be made online.

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