Safety is the single most important part of operating a construction site. While the project itself is the reason you’re there, without the correct safety precautions in place you’ll be lucky to last very long at all. It should be one of your primary concerns to keep your workers and the general public as safe as possible. Direct 365 work directly with construction firms to provide high quality safety equipment. So we think we know the industry pretty well. Here are what we consider 7 of the most important construction site safety tips.

Our 7 Construction Site Safety Tips

  • PPE. Giving the right PPE (personal protective equipment) to your staff should be one of the first things you think about when setting up a work site. PPE is described by the HSE as your ‘last resort’. This means that all other precautions should be taken so that PPE is simply the last line of defense. But this still means it needs to be used. PPE must offer specific protection against risks that you identify in your workplace. You can see our selection of PPE and are at some of the best prices you’ll find anywhere.
  • You must conduct a risk assessment on every new piece of equipment. This keeps the site you work on as safe as possible. The HSE states a new risk assessment should be done “every time there are new machines, substances and procedures, which could lead to new hazards.”
  • Ensure as many staff as possible on site know first aid. This will ensure that if accident prevention doesn’t work, your staff are in good hands to get on-site medical attention if they need it.
  • Listen to your workers. While risk assessments are absolutely important, listening to the people who are working in these conditions’ day in, day out is wise. They will understand what makes them feel at risk even when an assessment has already been done.
  • Keep things tidy! Work, especially that at height, can be dangerous. The height can make mistakes – even untidiness – become critical. Working on scaffolding or on buildings often require concentration, with trip hazards not being at the forefront of workers minds. Always ensure safety by keeping the site as tidy as possible.
  • Use the right signage. Signage is there to remind staff and the public that your site is dangerous and requires extra attention. As well as this, but new staff should be inducted on the meaning of the signs at the start of each project.
  • Make sure your safety equipment is used correctly. Safety equipment – from PPE to scaffolding – is there to protect people and diminish risk within their jobs. Scaffolding itself can be dangerous, so it needs to be constructed correctly. All safety equipment only works when used right.

Construction sites are some of the most dangerous workplaces in the world. Safety needs to be the number one priority of safety managers from a moral, legal, and financial standpoint. Find out how Direct365 can help with our Your Construction & Manufacturing Hub and the services we offer.
