“Here at Direct365, we’ve grown from a tiny company situated in a small outbuilding, to a reputable business with just over 50 employees, all with their own skills, qualifications, talents and stories to tell.  As a company, we believe in the progression our staff and rewarding hard work. It’s true that employees are happier when they’re doing what they’re best at. Sometimes, however, finding out what this is can take time.

At Direct365, we like to find out what makes our staff tick; their strengths, weaknesses and preferences in their role, which is why we’re starting a short series to highlight some of our employees who have progressed through the company and how we have supported them through it!”


Last week, we chatted to our Customer Service Team Leader,  Lindsay. Discover how she progressed to Customer Service team leader in less than a year, here!


This Friday, we sat down with Annabel, one of our apprenticeship Contracts Administrators.




When did you start with Direct365?

“I started in August, 2013 – straight after leaving college.”


What was your starting role? What is your current role?

“I came to Direct365 doing my Level 2 apprenticeship in Business Administration and was working with the Product Sales team doing admin tasks. I’m now undertaking my level 3 apprenticeship in Business Admin and have undertaken a full time role with the Admin team as a Contracts Administrator.”


You’ve been nominated for a National Apprenticeship Award – what is this and how did you get nominated?

“I was nominated for a National Apprenticeship Award by my assessor based on my high standard of coursework.”


How has Direct365 supported you throughout your apprenticeship?

“The role I do here is well suited to what my apprenticeship covers, so my experience here all helped towards completing my coursework. I like that I’m given all the time I need to complete my coursework the best I can, and how welcoming the company are to my assessor coming in throughout my apprenticeship. Also, working here has greatly helped with my confidence, which is always a good thing!”


What is your favourite thing about working here?

“The people are really friendly here, and I don’t feel out of place at all! It’s a very nice environment and the atmosphere is great.!


How would you describe Direct365 in 3 words?

“Friendly, welcoming, fresh”


“Would you recommend working here to others?

“Yep! The people are lovely to work with and they get involved with lots of charity events, fun days and activities”


What skills have you gained from your apprenticeship and working at Direct365?

Confidence, expanding my admin skills and experiencing the world of work in a comfortable and enjoyable office environment.”


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