Next in our hand dryer blog series is a niche topic that’s important for a variety of our customers and that’s the topic of quiet hand dryers and the elderly. We have a vast range of dryers, and when shopping for something new, it’s important to have all of the information. So while we’ll be focusing on how quiet dryers impact by age, there’s crossover with other quiet dryer settings too.

Hand dryer noise may seem like a fairly uninspiring topic, and many customers don’t see the difference for their primary clientele. For some businesses it doesn’t matter, but for others, such as care home and specialist venues, noise is as important as how quickly the dryer dries. So how helpful are quiet hand dryers and why are they important to the elderly?


Why Might the Elderly and Vulnerable Need a Quiet Dryer?

While there’s been few studies based on the use of hand dryers by the elderly, there are some overlapping ideas around how noise impacts elderly or vulnerable, but the reality is that louder noises are stressful for certain people. That’s why quieter dryers for venues such as care homes, churches and community centres would be best advised to buy quieter hand dryers when they’re investing in new equipment.

For some of these groups of people, the susceptibility to hearing loss is quite common, and higher decibels coming from more intense, powerful machines could increase this problem, especially for people with health issues like tinnitus. The noise of hand dryers to the elderly people who have these problems can be damaging.

In addition, people that have cognitive impairments can often become stressed out and increasingly anxious by loud noises, causing confusion and agitation. These aren’t just ideas; these are medical facts that loud noises can create. Where you can, it’s wise to use quieter hand dryers to avoid these potential situations.


Is There a Quiet Hand Dryer?

Quiet hand dryers are become more normal now than before. As the technology develops for quiet and powerful hand dryers, more will be available, but there are enough quality options for organisations to be able to cater for elderly and vulnerable.


Why are Hand Dryers so Loud?

Hand dryers are so loud because of two main reasons: design and speed/airflow. Because hand dryers are always going to be smaller machines, to get the quickest power you currently have to have a speed that creates air turbulence and makes the noise louder against the material. It’s essentially a trade off between size, material and power.


Three Dryers that Would Suit a Care Home

Mediclinics Speedflow® Automatic Hand Dryer M06ACS

Categorised as an eco-friendly dryer, this quiet unit is pleasant to look at while still offering a quick dry time of around 12 seconds. Ideal for large, busy washrooms and smaller rooms too, these dryers are easy to use and would aesthetically fit in whichever design your washroom comes in.


AIRDRI Quad Hand Dryer

The AIRDRI Quad hand dryer is a sleek machine with a number of key benefits that are attractive to all users. The lightweight machine is slim, looking great in even the smartest of washrooms. Environmentally friendly and low volume, these dryers are a hit with those looking to make a change to their carbon footprint and help those more sensitive to noise.


PHS Airstream Whisper Low Noise Hand Dryer

Another great dryer that’s ideal for washrooms where noise is an issue, it might be slightly slower – around 25 second dry time – but the noise element more than makes up for it. Coming in a number of colours, this low-energy hand dryer has an anti-microbial technology making it even safer for the health of elderly and vulnerable users.


Quiet hand dryers are the best for venues that cater for elderly people, and Direct365’s wide range of quiet hand dryers cover a wide range of brands including PHS, Mitsubishi and AIRDRI. For more information about our quiet hand dryers, visit our page. You can also view all of our hand dryers and see what’s best for you and your business.

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